Friday, May 10, 2019

Water Walk Reflections

Students in Rooms 6 & 13 participated in our Water Walk today by carrying our backpacks on our heads to remind us of those who have to walk to get their water.   It was harder than we thought!
Here are our thoughts about our Water Walk today:

It was tiring, but it was worth it because people in different countries have to walk to get water, and not even clean water. 
I was thinking about water when I was walking.
Water is what we need to drink. 
Water helps us live.  If we don't drink water, then we can die.  
It was windy and the backpacks kept on getting off my head in the wind.  
If you want to stay healthy you should drink a lot of water each day. 
I respect our water walk for the people who are on the other side of world.  
We used our energy for the other people who have to walk for water. 
It was extremely hard. It was kind of like in India because in India the mothers had to carry jugs of water on their heads. 
It really inspired me to think about the people who don't have water.  
I am grateful because we have water.  The other people who don't have water are probably sad because they don't have enough water. 
I was thinking, while I was walking, about how hard it would be for other people to walk to get their water. 
I am grateful that we can just turn a tap and water comes out.  
I am sad because they don't have clean water and they can get sick and die.  
When I was walking, I was thinking of the people who had to walk there and walk to get dirty water.  
It makes me sad that other people have to walk for water and they can't just go to a tap. 
I am sad, because if people don't have taps they have to walk there. 

A FOND FAREWELL from Room 13

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