Thursday, June 27, 2019

A FOND FAREWELL from Room 13

Memories of Room 13

Here are some of our favorite memories from this year:

Meeting new friends.
Measuring the length of the hall.
When I met my best friends.
Talking with my friends about school.
Playing on the playground.
Being in class with friends from preschool.
Making my first ever friend.
My favorite thing was Math.
When we went to Bowness park and had so much fun.
Karate was awesome. 
I liked the Hip Hop program.
Playing with people.
When they came and taught us Lacrosse.

Ms. Betty's ultimate memory was waving goodbye to the butterflies with Room 6.
And oh yes, when we sang Happy Birthday to the last butterfly to hatch.  It was beautiful!

A very safe and happy summer to all!
See you in the Fall!


Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Room 13 Buddy Butterfly Art

Room 13 and Room 11 got together today for their last buddy session.  
We had lots of fun working with water, Mr. Sketch markers and coffee filters!
We drew designs on the coffee filters, then we used a eye dropper to add water and then we watched the colors spread out and mix into beautiful art!  After they dried, we folded them up using an accordion fold.  With a pipe cleaner we made antennas and then a beautiful butterfly circle on our rug.  It was a fun activity to welcome the coming summer holidays.  We are going to miss our buddies in Room 11.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Room 13 - Fish for the Summer

If you would like to look after a well behaved Siamese Fighting Fish over the summer, please email Ms. Betty.  Strike would love to spend his summer holidays with your family.  He only needs a weekly water change, and comes with his own food.  He promises to be very entertaining with his little pouty mouth and the tiny crunching noises he makes (yes, underwater!) when he eats his pellets.  He will be relieved not to spend the time with Ms. Betty's cats who found him very intriguing when he was staying there last time and even drank from his bowl when Ms. Betty was not looking!

Please email Ms. Betty if you would like to arrange to take Strike home for the holidays!

Image result for red siamese fighting fish

Monday, June 24, 2019

Reminders: Sports Day tomorrow - Tuesday

Reminders for this week....

There is a lot on - an email was sent out Friday with details about the end of the year, report cards etc.  Please refer to this for all the details!

In brief, a few things to remind you of....

Tomorrow is Sport Day!
Teachers have planned many fun, outdoor activities for students to celebrate the end of the year.
Please ensure your child comes to school dressed for the weather, with a hat and sunscreen on if it is to be sunny, and appropriate outdoor footwear so they may enjoy the activities.  Activities will run from 9:30 to approximately 11:30.  Fingers crossed for sunshine!

Wednesday afternoon, division one students will be watching "A Bugz Life" in the gym.
Students may bring a pillow/blanket, if clearly labelled.  No pyjamas please.

Last day of school is Thursday - it is a short day with 1:20 dismissal.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Gotcha Ticket Day - Tomorrow!

Tomorrow (Friday, June 21) we will be having our Gotcha Ticket Day. This is a day to celebrate a year's worth of Gotcha Tickets students have received for being safe, caring, welcoming and respectful. Students have planned a day of fun and educational activities including art, games, a video, and active movement. You should have received an email with more details about these activities.

We forgot to mention in the email that students are also welcome to wear pajamas and bring board games to play! Please label any games or stuffed animals that are sent to school to ensure they go home with the right student.

We look forward to a fun day of learning and celebrating an awesome year together.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

A Library Visit and Lobster Traps

Today Rooms 6 &13 enjoyed a visit to Nosehill Library where we met Maureen, one of the librarians.
She gave us lots of information about the library and the programs it offers during the summer months. 
Students are coming home with a handout called the "Ultimate Summer Challenge" - please look in your child's backpack for information on the prizes offered and how to sign up. 

We learned about some amazing programs at the library, including one where you an read to puppies!  Another one investigates owls and owl pellets.  There are also some program for those enthusiastic about computers and coding.  Check it out!

After lunch, we all worked on creating pipe cleaner lobsters for our lobster traps we made yesterday.  Having learned in Social Studies that lobsters and fish are very important to jobs and industry for the people living on the East Coast, we were excited to see our creations of sea creatures come to life.

Home Reading Books

If you have any home reading or classroom books at home, we are sorting and compiling classroom sets in preparation for the end of the year.  Please look around at home and send home any books that you may still have.  Thanks so much!

Image result for book cartoon

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Library Books

As the year comes to a close, Mrs. Moss is going through and organizing books in the library in preparation for next fall. Please return all library books as soon as possible!

Monday, June 17, 2019


Today was a very exciting day as our butterflies were ready to be released outside. It was awesome seeing them fly away, go to the trees and explore the grass around the school.


In honour of our butterfly friends, we made butterfly art this afternoon in the style of Eric Carle. We worked hard to make our shapes symmetrical and it's cool to see how unique each of our butterflies turned out!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Me to We Outdoor Fair

The Me to We Club students are organizing an Outdoor Fair for Tuesday June 18th rain or shine. The objective of this fair is to raise money for the pillar we are supporting this year: Clean Water/Sanitation in developing countries.

The Me to We Club students have organized some very fun games and activities.

The Fair Day will be run a little different than in past years.  Instead of paying for each game, we are asking students to bring a cash donation to participate. Each class will get a chance to visit the fair.

This will be the last Me to We fundraiser for the year.

Thank you,
Me to We Club

Monday, June 10, 2019

Procedural Math Fluency + School-wide Writing Assessment

Hi Parents & Guardians

Today your child brought home two recent assessments. Please note they do not need to be signed and sent back to school. These are for your information and for you to keep.

The writing assessment was done school-wide and was marked with a focus on organization. The attached checklist only looks at this area of writing. To give you a better idea of where your child is in writing, Ms. Betty & Mrs. Harvey included a year-end writing rubric as well. While these writing pieces were fairly reflective of many of our students' typical writing, the given mark may not be the exact mark you see on your child's report card. Please keep in mind that marks are given based on consistency; if your child most often wrote according to the 3-star expectations, he or she will receive a 3, even if he or she received a 2 on this particular assessment.

If you have any questions or concerns about your child's work, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher (classroom teacher for writing; Mrs. Harvey for grade 1 math, Ms. Betty for grade 2 math)


Ms. Betty & Mrs. Harvey

Visitors in our Classroom

Have you heard?! Rooms 6 and 13 have some creepy crawlies to take care of for the next few weeks.

We have caterpillar friends! They came to us as tiny larvae and have been eating like it's their job (because, it is!!). In the last few days each caterpillar has made itself a chrysalis.

Students have been observing these critters and discussing the things we need to do to make sure these animals are taken care of. We have learned the importance of a good habitat, food and water. We can't wait to see our beautiful painted lady butterflies in the next week or so.

TWAS journals for Room 13

Please watch for the TWAS journals coming home today from Room 13.
We hadn't quite finished out work on them due to our wonderful Butterfly Art project which went home Friday to brighten up your walls!

We will be completing them this morning and will be following up on parent comments during our morning circle share time on Tuesday morning.

Please take some time tonight read through your child's TWAS, comment and return Tuesday.

Thanks so much!

Ms. Betty

Image result for journal cartoon

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Book Drive

Captain John Palliser Book Drive for the Siksika Nation
mage result for apple on books clipart      

Hello Students, Parents and Staff at CJP! We are here to tell you that rooms 17 and 18 are hosting a book drive for the students on the Siksika Nation. Please bring gently used books to the book bins that may be found all around CJP. Book bins may also be found at other places such as some public libraries (like the Nose Hill library).

We are doing this because students on the Siksika Nation don’t have as many books as they would like so they can’t do as many things at home that involve school work such as studying. Please make sure all books are dropped off in the bin beside rooms 17 and 18 by Friday, June 14. 

Thank you!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Music Sharing Class - June 12

Grade 1 and 2 students will be having a Music Sharing Class on Wednesday, June 12th during their music class time. During Music Sharing Classes, students have the opportunity to share something music-related with their peers. For example, if your child takes piano lessons, they could share a piano song they have been practicing. Other ideas include:
  • Singing a song they are familiar with
  • Dancing 
  • Bringing a picture of a musical instrument and talking about it
All students are welcome to share, but it is not mandatory. If your child is performing, please help them remember to bring what they need on that day (instrument, music, etc)

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Nair at

Monday, June 3, 2019

Bike to School Day tomorrow!

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Bike to School Day! 

If your child is choosing to participate please ensure their bike and helmet is clearly labeled with their first name, last name and room number. Students will be storing their helmets inside their classrooms. 

Please do not bring your bike in through the front doors. There will be two outdoor doors connected to the gym for students to drop their bikes off. Grades K-3 will enter through the west door (door closest to staff parking lot) with their bikes. Please be courteous to staff by not parking in the staff parking lot. The other entrance for grade 4-6 will be the the door closest to the front entrance of the school facing Northmount drive. Both doors will be marked with a sign and pylon. The students will enter the door and drop their bikes off inside the gym by their designated classroom spot marked with a number. Please note which door your child takes their bike in, they will be exiting through this door at the end of the day to meet you outside. Due to the volume of people participating, students are asked to independently bring their bike in and out of the gym. Teachers and volunteers will be assisting students in parking and retrieving their bikes.

For more information about this day, please refer to the previous blog post.


A FOND FAREWELL from Room 13

Memories of Room 13 Here are some of our favorite memories from this year: Meeting new friends. Measuring the length of the hall. Whe...