Monday, June 10, 2019

Procedural Math Fluency + School-wide Writing Assessment

Hi Parents & Guardians

Today your child brought home two recent assessments. Please note they do not need to be signed and sent back to school. These are for your information and for you to keep.

The writing assessment was done school-wide and was marked with a focus on organization. The attached checklist only looks at this area of writing. To give you a better idea of where your child is in writing, Ms. Betty & Mrs. Harvey included a year-end writing rubric as well. While these writing pieces were fairly reflective of many of our students' typical writing, the given mark may not be the exact mark you see on your child's report card. Please keep in mind that marks are given based on consistency; if your child most often wrote according to the 3-star expectations, he or she will receive a 3, even if he or she received a 2 on this particular assessment.

If you have any questions or concerns about your child's work, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher (classroom teacher for writing; Mrs. Harvey for grade 1 math, Ms. Betty for grade 2 math)


Ms. Betty & Mrs. Harvey

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