Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Field Trip to Bowness Park

Thank you so much to all the families who have already sent back signed field trip forms for our trip to Bowness Park. We are looking forward to this exciting trip!

We are looking for 4-5 volunteers from each class who would be able to join us for the day. If you are available from 9:10-2:45 on May 30 and have your volunteer clearance, please contact your child's teacher or your room's volunteer coordinator.

Be sure to also RSVP for the Volunteer Tea if you're able to join us - it is our small way of thanking you for your huge support!!


Ms. Betty & Mrs. Harvey

A FOND FAREWELL from Room 13

Memories of Room 13 Here are some of our favorite memories from this year: Meeting new friends. Measuring the length of the hall. Whe...