Friday, May 3, 2019

This week at school, scholastic orders, and other updates!

Hello Parents and Guardians!

A few updates and information:

1) This week at school writing: Today students are bringing home their TWAS book. Attached to today's writing there is a rubric for June writing expectations. Please take some time to read today's entry with your child and discuss where he or she falls on the rubric. Teachers have already done this once with students one on one, so it should be familiar.
Students had up to 45 minutes to complete this writing activity, which is a typical amount of time for one writing activity in class. Please keep this in mind when you look at your child's writing. 

2) Scholastic Book Orders: Due to low response, teachers will not be sending home flyers for May or June. If you would like flyers to look at, please send your child's teacher an email. We are happy to send flyers home to students and families that are interested!

3) Room 6 started prairie animal research this week. Mrs. Harvey challenged them to go home this weekend and learn one new fact about the animal they've chosen to research. Please support your child in looking up one or two new facts to share with the class on Monday!

4) Next week we will be participating in the Water Walk on Friday. Please see previous blog post for more information.

5) Music Monday is next week!! Our classes will be part of the afternoon performance in the gym. We will begin promptly at 1:45, so if you are planning to join us please come a bit early and bring a blanket to sit on. We hope to see you all there!

Have a fabulous weekend!

Mrs. Harvey & Ms. Betty

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