Friday, January 25, 2019

This week at school...

Hello Parents & Guardians:

Today in Room 6 we are working on a special project for student-led conferences so students will not be bringing their TWAS books home. We still want to share with you what we did this week:

- This week at school we did Mission Impossible in the gym. We did monkey bars and climbed ropes and ladders! 
- In Math, the grade 2 students were doing a graph to keep track of how many addition and subtraction equations they could solve in one minute. The grade 1 students also worked on adding and subtracting. 
- In Language Arts we wrote about robots. We also wrote about a goal that we have at school. 
- In Science we learned more about liquids. We watched a video about liquids and we did an experiment! We learned how liquids move and about viscosity. When a liquid is non-viscous, it moves super fast and when a liquid is viscous, it moves super slowly because all of the molecules stick together. 
- In the Learning Commons, students kept building the community that we started before the break. We are going to drive robots through the community! 

Reminder: Please sign up for a student-led conference time if you have not yet done so. 

Have a great weekend!

- Mrs. Harvey & Room 6 students 

A FOND FAREWELL from Room 13

Memories of Room 13 Here are some of our favorite memories from this year: Meeting new friends. Measuring the length of the hall. Whe...