Friday, January 18, 2019

Science Fair volunteers needed!


Since October, students in Captain John Palliser's Science Fair Club have shown great enthusiasm and hard work in researching or conducting experiments! On February 5th we are requesting judges to assess the final projects in order to determine which students will represent our school at City Finals.  Judges will be viewing student work and presentations on the morning of Tuesday, February 5, from 9:40 - 12:30.  

We welcome all volunteers with a volunteer clearance; judges do not need to have a background in Science or Education. They need to listen to student presentations and ask questions about their learning and research in order to fill out the Science Fair judging sheet.  We will be looking for 6 - 10 adults from the community or within the school whose children/students are not participating in the science fair this year.

Please spread the word and contact us with the emails below to express your interest. We look forward to seeing you!

Yours in Learning,
Ms. Betty & Ms. Yong 

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