Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Grade two Math

Attention Grade 2 Parents:

Students are bringing home a minute drill sheet of subtraction.
Students completed the first minute in pencil and then completed the rest in pencil crayon for practice.
We are working on increasing our fluency and speed using a variety of strategies.
Currently, we are observing how our speed and accuracy increases when we practice and apply the strategies we have learned.
Students will completing a minute of subtraction and addition each day (today we only did subtraction to explain the idea).  Each student has set a subtraction goal for the remainder of the month.  Tomorrow we will set an addition goal as well.  You will be able to see the results when you come for Student Led Conferences on January 31. 

Students have been reminded to set goals for themselves that reflect their aspirations and abilities.  They are not expected to be able to complete the entire 48 questions in a minute!

Students also have a small version of the graph we are using in class - it may be a place your child would like to record their practice at home as well as a reminder of the goals they have set for themselves.  This can stay at home and does not have to be returned to the school.

Thanks for your support!

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Ms. A. Betty

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