Thursday, March 21, 2019

Glenbow Field Trip - What We Did

To Parents and Guardians of Room 6 and 13,

We are going to be talking about Inuit and the Discovery Adventure program that we explored yesterday.
First of all, in the morning Room 13 went to the Rocks and Minerals section.   We got to touch a rock.  If you touched it on the inside it was pointy and on the outside it was smooth!  It was called a geode and it was very unique.  We also went to a painting gallery and each looked at the pictures.  We were looking at what it would be like to be in the painting.

We went to the Christian Dior dress and fashion section.  There were many pretty designs there.  We found one that looked like a detective dress.  We were looking for 2D shapes and 3D objects.

Room 6 went to the Inuit program first and then we switched!  We learned all about animals in the Arctic and Inuit tools.  The Inuit people eat the blubber for vitamins because they have no fruits and vegetables.  They make kayaks out of seal skin. The Inuit have Women's Knives for cutting animals (seals, caribou, moose, fish) for food.  We found out that Inuit kids have toys too.  For example, we saw a stuffy duck.  We played a game where you have a bone and a stick and there is a string tied together with the bone.  You have to try to get the bone onto the stick by throwing up in the air.

Thank you to the volunteers who came with us.  We couldn't do it without you!
Thank you for reading this message.

Your friends in Rooms 6 & 13

A FOND FAREWELL from Room 13

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