Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Room 6 OT Visit

Today Room 6 had Erin Jones, Occupational Therapist, come in to teach us a lesson about how to be organized at school. She taught us the "Get Ready - Do - Done" strategy that we can use to plan ahead and complete our work at school with greater independence. Miss Erin did a "Bug Detective" activity with our students to practice this strategy. This activity will be in your child's folder today.

Some parents find this strategy very useful for children to use at home as well. Please see the information below if you would like more information about a strategy you can use to support your child in being more independent at home.

A FOND FAREWELL from Room 13

Memories of Room 13 Here are some of our favorite memories from this year: Meeting new friends. Measuring the length of the hall. Whe...