Monday, February 11, 2019

Grade 2 Patterns - centers work coming home

Please look for the Patterns work that is coming home.
Below is the letter that came with it:

Monday, February 11, 2019

Dear Parents of Grade 2 students in Rooms 6 & 13,

We are currently in the middle of our pattern unit and have been exploring identifying patterns, extending pattern and filling in missing portions of patterns.  In the coming week we will be looking at increasing and decreasing patterns.

I am sending home some of the work done in class centers over the last week.  I am also sending home a mark sheet that shows your child’s performance based on the centers, observations and activities done so far in class.  For the most part, a “1” in center work indicated that the student may not have used class time well and did not complete the assigned activity.  You will see a lot of blanks on the attached sheets in this case.  Other students required more work on a given subject as they were completing the work, and continue to need support to solidify understanding of the concept.  You may want to work at home on these concepts.  If you would like some extra assignments to work on at home, please email me and I will send them your way.

Thanks for your support,

Ms. A. Betty

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